How to Flashing Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 Forgotten Password

As you know, Stock ROM Oppo Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 is available to download, but the tool to flash ROM is not released. So on this occasion, we will share with you the Tool For Flash or flash another ROM stock for your Oppo smartphone. If you find a tool to flash stock ROMs on your Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 when your cellphone hands over the logo, just read in this post to get the tools and steps to install it.

Before you begin, you need to download the tool first:
Steps for Crack Download Tool and MsmDownload Tool:
  1. First, download the file and extract it
  2. Now, continue to install two files: PDAnet.exe and CodeMeterRuntime.exe
  3. Open the CodeMeter Control Center and choose File> Import License and navigate to OPPOMsmDownloadToolNoneLic_2001 ... in the extracted folder and select Import.
    How to Flashing Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 Forgotten Password
  4. If you see the License Activated message in the software window, that means it's successful.
    Flashing Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 Forgotten Password
  5. Now, open the DownloadTool file and remember to put it together with the ROM folder, you will no longer see the "CmDongle runtime system .." warning message. But keep in mind that it's not completely Crack.
  6. Now, go back to the OPPO_ALL_TOOL folder, run Enable.exe and select Enable.
    Flashing Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 WITHOUT BOX FLASH
  7. Next, return to the DownloadTool folder and check the Download Format
    Flashing Oppo Reno 5G CPH1921 USE Oppo download toolWITHOUT BOX FLASH
  8. Finally, enter your password: te123 so you won't lose IMEI when you flash the ROM. We recommend that you use the Upgrade Download
Now you can start to flash ROMs, disassemble your cellphone or delete passwords, etc. If you have problems with the crack process, let us know in the comments below.
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